Friday, January 17, 2014

FFF: "You Give Me Hepatits...C!!!"

You're probably thinking "Gee, this is a really awkward title, so why am i reading this?" or "Is that title supposed to say Hepatits?" Well, your answer to that is both yes, and no... No, because it's supposed to be Hepatitis... yes, because it was a typo that i made and we thought it was funny and embarrassing so THERE'S YOUR ANSWER~!!! Anyway, onto the story!!! Dinosaur googled Liver Quiver not that long ago, and she found out that if your liver is indeed quivering, you should probably go get it checked out by a doctor because you most likely have Hepatitis C or HIV. So, if you are coming to Blogger to find out why your liver is quivering, now you know! But i still think you should consult your doctor... After finding this out, we changed the pickup line from "You make my liver quiver ;)" to "You give me Hepatitis...C...and two Cs make a... heart *insert hand heart gesture here* ;)" So there ya go! Happy Fun Fact Friday! <3


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